Knitting ADD-the July wrap up

I’ve been concentrating on my work blog and left this one seriously unattended…sorry…

The knitting continues…

the NASCAR/Victory Junction Gang primary colors Baby Moderne Blanket has been started…currently on block 4…

started a baby guernsey in violent lime colored Organic Cotton from Blue Sky Alpacas…has been restarted twice due to counting errors in the seed stitch section…

started legwarmers in…ahem…purple and yellow…for DGD who cheerleads

started a skating set (skirt, sweater and hat) for other DGD’s American Girl doll

working on a sweater that has morphed from its original design…it was a sheep yoke sweater…now it’s a different sheep yoke sweater…who knows what it will be when it is done…

working on seven washcloths for a one a day set…

ignoring the bamboo sock languishing in the corner…

Finished several baby sweaters with no particular baby in mind.  What can I say?  I wanted something relatively small that I could actually FINISH…also finished the two school bus scarves for the DGDs…never again…never,never, ever again…unless I rewrite the pattern…from scratch…

In other words…knitting normal here!